Session: 09-01-07 Wind Turbine Aerodynamics - 2
Paper Number: 79230
79230 - "Modelling Aerodynamics of a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Using the Overset Mesh Solver In OpenFOAM"
Abstract: Aerodynamic and hydrodynamic loads on an offshore floating wind turbine play a predominant role in accurately predicting fatigue life, optimising power control systems, and estimating the survivability and stability during its operation. Therefore, it is of importance to develop an integrated aerodynamics and hydrodynamics model, which is capable of precisely capturing both loads and associated dynamic motions of an entire offshore wind turbine system. Prior to developing such an integrated model, aerodynamics and hydrodynamics model need to be systematically examined, respectively. In this study, we thoroughly examine the performance of overset mesh solver in OpenFOAM with regards to aerodynamics of a floating offshore wind turbine rotor during its operation. The comparative studies between this overset mesh solver, a frequency-domain Naiver-Stokes Computational Dynamics solver [1], and open source Blade Element Momentum theory code [2] are performed in terms of the rotor of a National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NERL) 5MW turbine, which is designed to be mounted on a semisubmersible platform.
[1] M. S. Campobasso, A. Piskopakis, J. Drofelnik, and A. Jackson, “Turbulent Navier–Stokes analysis of an oscillating wing in a power-extraction regime using the shear stress transport turbulence model,” Computers & Fluids, vol. 88, pp.136–155, 2013.
[2] G. Heyman, B. Jonkman, R. Murray, R. Damiani, and J. Jonkman, “Aerodyn: a time-domain wind and MHK turbine aerodynamics module,” National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2019.
Presenting Author: Zaibin Lin Manchester Metropolitan University
Zaibin Lin Manchester Metropolitan UniversityLing Qian Manchester Metropolitan University
Sergio Campobasso Lancaster University
Wei Bai Manchester Metropolitan University
Yang Zhou Manchester Metropolitan University
Zhihua Ma Manchester Metropolitan University
"Modelling Aerodynamics of a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Using the Overset Mesh Solver In OpenFOAM"
Paper Type
Technical Paper Publication